Man attacked while sleeping stabbed to death

…Venezuelan woman confesses to murder

Hours after a confrontation at a drinking spot, a man identified only as “Sunny” was stabbed to death while sleeping.
Reports are that sometime between Thursday night and Friday morning at Kumung Kumung Backdam, Puruni River, in Region Seven (Cuyuni-Mazaruni), the man was stabbed to death.
According to Police, at about 23:00h on Thursday night, the man was in the company of two female Venezuelan nationals and others imbibing at a shop when he approached one of the females and requested to dance with her.
The woman declined his advances, which caused him to become annoyed, and he held on to her but she pushed him off, and an argument ensued between them.
According to witnesses, the female then broke two bottles and threatened “Sunny”.
Persons at the shop attempted to calm the situation, but “Sunny” began to behave disorderly and assaulted two of the men trying to subdue him. The two men, in turn, dealt him several cuffs and lashes about his body. He was later taken to his camp in an intoxicated state and, sometime after, retired to bed.
However, at about 06:00h on Friday, the female Venezuelan was allegedly seen running from Sunny’s camp and he was later discovered bloody, lying motionlessly in his hammock.
The Police were summoned and an examination of the body revealed one stab wound on to his upper left side chest, two stab wounds were below his left armpit, and one to his upper left side back.
Following the discovery, a 23-year-old woman of Puerto Ordas, Venezuela, who had the altercation with “Sunny” was arrested.
Police also arrested two miners who was involved in the fight with “Sunny” at the shop.
Meanwhile, during interrogation by detectives at the Bartica Police Station on Saturday, the 23-year-old woman admitted to stabbing the victim with a retractable knife that she had in her possession.
She told Police that “Sunny” had attacked her earlier in the night when she refused to dance with him at a shop in Kumung Kumung. She said she went to his camp later that night, where she saw him lying in a hammock, and dealt him three stabs about his body. (G9)