Man busted with $11M worth of ganja at Coomacka Mines

The marijuana that was found by Police

A Linden resident was on Thursday busted with 27lbs of ganja during a roadblock exercise at the Coomacka Mines Junction, Region 10 (Upper Demerara-Berbice).
Police stated that the ranks observed a black Note motorcar bearing registration number PZZ 8168 driving towards the roadblock at a fast rate.
The ranks reportedly attempted to stop the car, but the driver continued to drive at a fast pace. As such, the police gave chase, and the vehicle careened off the trail, ended up on the parapet, and came to a halt on its side.
As the ranks approached the car, they observed the driver who identified himself as Keenin Fraser. However, the ranks observed a bulky black garbage bag on the front passenger’s seat, and upon inspection, the cannabis was found.
Fraser was arrested and taken to the Mackenzie Police Station, where the narcotic was weighed and amounted to 27 lbs with a street value of about $11 million. Investigations are continuing. (G9)