Man caught on video chopping friend remanded

Mark Anderson of Two Sisters Street, Rose Hall Town, Corentyne, who was caught on camera chopping a friend during a bicycle ownership dispute, was remanded to prison by Magistrate Rabindranauth Singh on Tuesday.

The 26-year-old man appeared at Albion Magistrate’s Court where an attempt to commit murder charge was read to him.
It was reported that the cane harvester of Rose Hall Town and 56-year-old Lawerence Rodrigues, a labourer of the same community, were feuding.
Rodrigues reportedly removed his pedal cycle from in front of Anderson’s premises, which caused the cane harvester to arm himself with a cutlass and subsequently deal the victim several chops about his body.
Video footage captured of the incident showed the cane cutter unleashing several chops at Rodrigues who lay helpless on the ground while using the bicycle to bar off some of the chops.
He was remanded to prison and the case will continue on November 7. (G4)