Man charged for burning CID, GDF buildings is son of cop charged for taxi driver’s death

…allegedly set fire to get rid of evidence against mother

Twenty-four-year-old Keyon Davis, who was charged on Wednesday for setting fire to at least two public buildings in Essequibo, Region Two (Pomeroon-Supenaam), is the son of Special Lance Corporal Vanessa Milo, who was arraigned for the death of Lallbachan Bachan, a taxi driver who died while he had been detained in the lock-ups at the Suddie Police Station.

Keyon Davis

Well-placed sources told Guyana Times that Davis committed the act in an effort to get rid of the evidence which would have been used against his mother in court.
A senior Police official has said, “Burning down the court wouldn’t make sense. It has another court. In fact, the file is not even being kept there.”
Further, this publication understands that Davis has two robbery, break-and- enter, and larceny and other charges pending.
Davis, of Lot 60 Hibernia, Essequibo Coast, on Wednesday appeared before Magistrate Esther Sam at the Suddie Magistrate’s Court. It is alleged that the excavator operator set fire to the Guyana Defence Force Second Infantry Battalion Building at Maria’s Lodge, Essequibo Coast and the CID Building at Anna Regina, Essequibo Coast.
Both incidents occurred on July 14.
He was placed on $200,000 bail for each of the charges. As a condition for his bail, he is required to report to the Suddie Police Station twice per week. The case will continue on August 5.

Lallbachan Bachan

It was reported that the CID building, located in the compound of the Anna Region Police Station, and the unoccupied building at the Army Base Second Infantry Battalion at Maria’s Lodge were set on fire sometime between 03:00h and 05:15h on the day in question.