The lifeless body of 40-year-old Mahendra Persaud also called “Sunil” of Five Door Sluice, Land of Canaan, East Bank Demerara (EBD), was found in his backyard on Tuesday after he attacked and chopped the mother of his two children.
His body was discovered by his 14-year-old son, who went in search of him after he was not seen since he left home just after midnight.
The victim, 35-year-old Amrita Singh also called “Asha” is presently nursing chop wounds to her hands, back and chest.
She was treated at the Georgetown Public Hospital and sent home.
At her brother’s residence at Mandir Street, Land of Canaan, EBD, the woman recalled that her reputed husband left home on Monday morning in good spirits to visit his relatives in Spring Gardens, Essequibo Coast, Region Two (Pomeroon-Supenaam).
However, upon his return the said afternoon, his mood changed. The woman explained that he started to verbally abuse her.
“When he come home, he bring two Chinese food and he and meh son eat… I didn’t eat though… anyhow, he started to cuss up and start lashing up the walls and so…I tried to ask he what happen and he continue cussing,” Singh stated.
Nevertheless, she and her 14-year-old son retired to bed but at about 00:00h, she felt something sharp placed against her neck. As she opened her eyes, she saw her husband over her holding a cutlass to her neck. He reportedly gave her a few tablets and asked her to drink it but she refused.
The devastated woman told Guyana Times that as he started to pelt chops, she barred with her arm and ordered her son to run. The door, she noted, was well secured by the now dead man but her son eventually opened it.
“After the door opened, meh son pulled me and that is how we manage to run out of the house… we left he behind and we run to a neighbour house… I was bleeding so they didn’t hesitate to call a car and it carry me to the hospital,” Singh added.
She nevertheless made sure that her son was safe before leaving the scene. The woman noted that it was after she returned to her brother’s home, she learnt that her reputed husband of ten years had passed. Further, the woman said that over the ten years that they were together, she was mercilessly beaten.