Man nabbed with 1.1kgs cocaine at Stabroek Market Square

An East Bank Demerara (EBD) resident was nabbed with over one kilogram of cocaine in the vicinity of Stabroek Market Square by agents of the Customs Anti-Narcotics Unit (CANU).
The drug enforcement unit confirmed that Wyette Amsterdam of Land of Canaan

Wyette Amsterdam

Public Road, EBD, and another man who were under surveillance by CANU ranks were intercepted on Wednesday evening at Stabroek Market Square.
A search was conducted on the haversack that Amsterdam was carrying during which 1.160 kilograms of cocaine and $600,000 were unearthed. No illegal substance was reportedly found in possession of the other male.
However, Amsterdam was charged and appeared before Chief Magistrate Ann

The cocaine that was found in the haversack owned by Amsterdam

McLennan at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts. He denied the narcotics trafficking charge and was remanded to prison. The case will continue on November 1.