Rollox George, a 23-year-old father of one, appeared before acting Chief Magistrate Sherdel Isaacs-Marcus in her Georgetown Court on Wednesday to answer a charge of attempted murder;
wherein it is alleged that, with intent to commit murder, he intentionally inflicted severe bodily harm on Hassan Ally on January 3, 2024 at Princes and George streets in Georgetown.
Remanded: Rollox George
Unrepresented by legal counsel, George was not required to plead to the indictable charge, and has been remanded to prison.
The Police prosecutor, in her submissions to the court, said that while brandishing a cutlass, George hacked Ally in the head and on his right hand as he was strolling down Princes Street on January 3, 2024. She said Ally had tried to run away, but had managed only to stagger and fall.
She said Ally’s brother became aware of what had happened, and had rushed to save him; but George and another man threw bricks and pieces of wood at him when he got there, and he had also been chopped.
A profusely bleeding Ally had been transported by ambulance to the Georgetown Public Hospital (GPHC), where he was admitted as a patient and had received treatment before being discharged.
However, he recently went back to the hospital after complaining of being in terrible pain, and it was diagnosed that he had suffered a fracture to his skull. The Police prosecutor revealed that he is still unable to walk.
The Police captured George on January 26, and the virtual complainant positively identified him as the perpetrator.
Given the gravity of the crime, the complainant’s inability to walk, and the fact that George had fled the scene after committing the offence, the prosecutor has objected to the defendant being released on bail.
She also said that because the two men are acquainted, there is a chance that George might try to harm Ally again.
For his part, George has refuted the allegation levelled against him. Even though he said Ally had first attacked him with a cutlass, he denied chopping the man.
He also told the court that this is the first time he has ever been charged.
Magistrate Isaacs-Marcus has, however, denied George bail, and has ordered that he be examined by a psychiatrist. His next court date is February 19. (G1)