Man, reputed wife found guilty of killing her uncle

…to be sentenced on June 26

Boxing night murder trial

Vishwantie Ragnauth and her reputed husband Nyron Thakurdyal, who were accused of murdering Ragnauth’s uncle, Sunil Ramsundar, at Patentia, West Bank Demerara (WBD), on December 26, 2014, were unanimously found guilty of the offence at the High Court on Friday.
The duo stood in the courtroom of Justice Sandil Kissoon and had the unanimous verdict read to them.
However, sentencing was deferred to June 26, following the presentation of a probation report requested by Attorney for the accused, Nigel Hughes.
It was reported that on the fateful night at Patentia, WBD, Ramsundar was killed after he allegedly attempted to settle a dispute between his sister, niece and his niece’s reputed husband.
According to Police reports in 2014, the incident occurred at about 22:00h where it was alleged that Ramsundar’s sister was being assaulted by her daughter Vishawantie and Vishawantie’s reputed husband, Thakurdyal.
It was reported that the now dead man enquired from his sister the reason for her crying and upon learning that the couple had physically assaulted her, the man approached his niece for an explanation.
However, this turned into a heated argument, during which Ramsundar was stabbed about his body. He was pronounced dead on arrival to the West Demerara Regional Hospital.
The duo was later arrested and both slapped with the murder charge. During the trial, they continue to maintain their innocence thus giving unsworn statements to the Judge and jury on Tuesday last.
Ragnauth, called “Shelly”, admitted that her uncle was indeed cursing her and that their fight got physical. She also admitted that her reputed husband, Nyron Thakurdyal, went to defend her after the late Sunil Ramsundar grabbed her.
The accused related that she stopped a car with the intention of making a report at the Wales Police Station, while noting that she did not have a knife or a cellphone in her possession.
Thakurdyal’s account of the event was similar as he claimed his reputed wife’s uncle fell to the ground after he restrained him from hitting Ragnauth. During his unsworn statement, the defendant expressed that after he saw Ramsundar holding his reputed wife, he went over and grabbed his hands.
“I told him to let her go and when he let her go, he ended up falling towards the fence… we jump in the car and [Vishawantie] holler out to drive to the station,” he noted.
“Next thing the Police told me go in the lockup… then a few days later, they brought this allegation of murder against me,” Thakurdyal, also called “One Eye” added.