Man takes former tenant to court for unpaid rent

A West Demerara man has settled a dispute with a former tenant against whom he had filed legal proceedings to recoup unpaid rent.
Appearing at the Wales Magistrate’s Court on Thursday last, the former ten

Attorney-at-Law Sase Gunraj, who represented the Virtual Complainant.


Chetram Singh, accepted that he owed rent to his former landlord Ramdyall Narine, as he had not paid for some time.
Singh was ordered by the court to lodge $22,000 at the court clerk’s desk to be paid over to Narine. The defendant was also told that he had two months to ensure that the balance was paid over to Singh and was given November 23, 2017 as the last day to make the payment.
Singh, who has since moved out of Narine’s premises, gave all assurances that he would pay over the balance through the office of Attorney-at-Law Sase Gunraj, who represented the Virtual Complainant.
Meanwhile, Gunraj requested that court costs be paid to his client. However, this request was denied by the presiding Magistrate.