It is the duty of the EPA to take a number of steps to control pollution, including conducting investigations and inspections to ensure compliance with the Environmental Protection Act and Regulations, and providing information and education to the public regarding the needs for and methods of protection of the environment. The dedicated Complaints Unit, in collaboration with the Communications Department and Legal Unit, oversees the complaints management process by ensuring that the functions listed above are executed.
The nature of complaints received by the EPA encompasses every sector and scale from manufacturing to mining. The majority of complaints are noise, air (fumes, odour) and solid waste management related, and occur mostly on Guyana’s coast in Regions 2, 3, 4, and 6. These instances of pollution usually stem from small operations such as furniture manufacturing, mechanic and auto-body shops, animal rearing, and dumping of household waste.
Standard Operating Procedure for complaints management
You too can assist the Agency, members of the public can report environmental complaints utilising any of the following methods:
● Complaints 24-hour hotline number: 592-225-5469; or
● E-mail: [email protected].
Please note, complaint reports MUST include:
i. Nature of the complaint;
ii. Name and address of business/entity/person causing the pollution;
iii. Name of the complainant (person making the complaint); and
iv. Contact information and address of complainant.
You can also message us on Facebook. Complaints can also be made to our regional offices in Whim, Berbice and McKenzie, Linden:
1. Whim Office – 337-2201; and
2. Linden Office – 444-2313.
Enforcement actions
The EPA makes every effort to work with operators to ensure that their business causes little to no environmental damage; there are some instances however where hard enforcement becomes a necessity.
• Warning Letter
• Enforcement Notice
• Prohibition Notice
• Cease Order
• Prosecution
Remember your first line of action should be to make contact with your local government authority (Regional Democratic Council/Neighbourhood Democratic Council) on the matter. Please be assured the Agency will treat all information received from the public with strictest confidence. Complainants, however, should be willing to attend court and testify should the matter require legal action.
You can share your ideas and questions by sending letters to: “Our Earth, Our Environment”, C/O Communications, Environmental Protection Agency, Ganges Street, Sophia, GEORGETOWN, or email us at: [email protected]. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram and subscribe to our YouTube channel.