
…and crashin’ with kitsch

mitation may be the best form of flattery but our imitation of the Trini carnival was always fraught with the danger of our imitation becoming caricature. The simple truth is the PNC in the 70’s were so intent on creating “a new man”, they neglected to consider that over the last million years, any new man has to evolve out of what preceded him. And this is more so with “man” defined by culture.

The Trini carnival evolved out of the French old world tradition that was brought over to Trinidad when a posse of White planters fled Haiti after the revolution of 1891. They not only brought their slaves and sugar, but Carnival – as they did in New Orleans, where it’s called “Mardi Gras”. So the Trini Carnival wasn’t and isn’t a one day jump up and wine-down…it’s an all-year undertaking to get the bands, costume, theme etc. to the standard it is.

But our Republican PNC in their mass of confusion to “decolonise” didn’t even consider that Carnival was a colonial relic!! Their imitation was always mimicry without reflection and inevitably tended to kitsch! But only now some folks are objecting to the vulgarity and lewdness without being branded “racist” and “anti-national”! The same confusion about culture needing a genealogy, was exhibited by the imitation – also in the 1970’s – of the North Korean Mass Games.

Without any sense of irony about the event they were commemorating – “republicanism” – which is all about the people being sovereign, the Burnham regime imported not only the massing of schoolchildren, soldiers and Government workers – he even had his portrait displayed by the synchronised flashing of cards held by the masses!! The (British) King was dead but long live King Kong!!

So, it’s no surprise Mash crashed. Most of the media blamed the weather and the new route. But really, the past Mashes were totally dependent on the State-funded floats – and the corporate funded ones that were bullied to show their support of the Government’s initiative. Early in the PPP regime, Minister Dale Bisnauth had pointed out several improprieties of Mash – but was quickly shushed when the “racism” charge was hurled at him. Another reason for the crash and burn that this Government will never concede is the parallel crash and burn of the economy. Where was Gtt and Digicel?

Anyhow your Eyewitness was astounded at the participation of several female Ministers of the Government. Seems they were determined to make up for the sparse attendance and floats by filling the space with gyrations of their ample frames.

And here your Eyewitness thought Ministers only made weighty presentations in Parliament!!

…tropical homes

We’re just informed that junior Communities Minister, Valerie Patterson, is being questioned by folks at the CH&PA – who are under her portfolio – as to why she’s jetting off to Poland on an all-expense- trip funded by some builder in that country. Without any CH&PA engineers. Will these PNC officials never learn? She “explained” the builder was paying for the trip – seemingly oblivious to the parallels with the City Hall Mayor and Gang of Four all-expense-trip to Panama!

But even on its merits, why a Polish builder? Is Minister Patterson preparing us for extreme climate change when we’ll experience the –40?C of Poland, during the coming Ice Age? Insulated walls? Many of our builders have already introduced the steep roofs that prevent the coming heavy snowfall from accumulating!!

OK… we know Poland also has vacation homes for their hot summers…but surely Minister Patterson should know that vacation homes aren’t really made for Guyanese family needs.

All we ask of her is not to return with a contract already signed!!

…the electricity supply

Former Prime Minister Samuel Hinds has long suggested one fix for the “line loss” problem that’s crippled GPL. He points out those thiefin’ electricity are already identified by areas.

Why hasn’t Present PM Nagamootoo picked up this suggestion?