Mashing …(political) toes

By now it’s clear that Mash is a Government thing. Your Eyewitness wonders how much was budgeted for all the elaborate costumes, music, food, trucks, and everything else that goes with having a good time at Mashramani. And let’s not forget the fun wasn’t confined to the Big Mango (GT!) but was extended to all the (far-flung) regions. And it wasn’t confined to the DAY alone, but was preceded by children’s activities all over the place. The kids, of course, didn’t mind – it was a chance to officially skip classes!! And that’s always good news!! We know it gotta be at least a billion! But hey – a billion here and a billion there, and pretty soon you’re talking real money!!
But it wasn’t just the tramping and Mashing that received attention. Your Eyewitness saw this video of two big (and he means BIG!) men tussling at a Mash flag-raising function over in (the troubled) Region 4 that was quite hair-raising!! This was the day before Mash, and your Eyewitness wondered whether they weren’t jumping the gun!! But he suspects the usual suspects probably wanted to ‘wine and guh down” in the big parade in GT on the ‘real” day!!
Anyhow back to the tussle – which reminded your Eyewitness of nothing else than when he was back in Lil ABC. He’d snatch the book of his arch-rival Sammy, hold it aloft, and refuse to return it, since Sammy was quite vertically challenged! He enjoyed seeing Sammy futilely jumping up and down! Anyhow, in this pre-Mash affair, it was the Chairman of Reg 4 – a PNC ex-army captain – versus the PPP REO!
After finishing his remarks, the Chairman fella noted there was a paucity of females on the programme, and called AFC MP Cathy Hughes to speak. Well…who told him to do that!!?? The REO – a big, burly fella – lunged like little Sammy of yore, to grab the mike – only to have the chair deftly evading him with the mike aloft!! It was quite funny – especially to have the scene reenacted by these two big men!
Now, this Chairman fella was the one who’d reneged on the PNC’s promise to allot the Vice-Chair of Reg 4 to an AFC Councillor. So, was he trying to kiss and make up, since the AFC has kept its word and walked away from the coalition?? Or did he think Cathy would finally reveal all the cloak and dagger work she and Ramjattan did to thwart that Russian agent sent to rig our elections?? Now we’ll never know, and the Chairman fella’s taken the CEO to the Police for assault!!
Your Eyewitness is happy that the statute of limitations has expired for Little Sammy!!

Not that the rising prices hadn’t given him the message, but guess when your Eyewitness felt this war between Russia and Ukraine was getting waaaay too serious?? When Joe Biden – the sitting President of the US of A (and yes, he does sit a lot!!) flew over to Ukraine and toured the battle zone to show solidarity!! But then he found out Joe had telephoned the Russians ahead of time that he was gonna visit Zelenski –  he had his doubts!! Surely Churchill didn’t dial Hitler before visiting those refugees from Dunkirk??
Anyhow, your Eyewitness is a tad surprised that the European Coalition with the US is holding! He’d thought some cracks would be showing by now, since the energy crunch threw most of their economies into a tailspin. Tells us more about Europe’s fears of Russia than about the “sanctity” of Ukraine’s borders. Germany was once feared even more – and there’re two World Wars to prove that. But they’ve buried the hatchet.
Why not with Russia? They’re Slavs??

…for One Guyana
If the Government’s serious about commemorating Republic Day, then it should be doing what every other country does: have a parade of what defines us as a nation.
Leave the wine-down to folks who want that.