…celebration themed “Let’s cooperate and celebrate Republic 48”
The 2018 Mashramani observances were officially launched in Linden, Region 10 (Upper Demerara-Berbice) on Saturday, amidst lively cultural presentations and performances.
A colourful mini Mashramani-like parade which culminated at Republic Avenue formed a spectacular prelude to the official launching ceremony, which took place on the tarmac of the Linden-Georgetown minibus park.
Next year’s official theme, coined by winner Harry Narine, “Let’s cooperate and celebrate Republic 48” was also unveiled, in addition to the official Calendar of Events which showcases over 20 days of activities. Scores of patrons and officials gathered at the venue to observe the launch of the festival, which commemorates Guyana becoming a Republic on February 23, 1970.

In delivering the feature address, Social Cohesion Minister George Norton emphasized that “Mashramani represents the essence of social cohesion”, as he made a call for the celebration to return to the Linden community — its birthplace. Norton hailed the festival as one of the most prominent celebrations in Guyana, and supported earlier calls by Linden Mayor Carwyn Holland for the festival to become one of the most prominent in the Caribbean.
“We must take Mashramani, that has become internationalized…Mashramani from Linden has to take its rightful position…I agree with the idea that we must not only do the launching in Linden, we must also bring it back and celebrate it in Linden. It is a true Guyanese celebration, which provides for the opportunity to highlight the country’s rich cultures and diversities and heritage, as a people from all walks of life…,” the Minister said.
He also hailed the Jaycees Committee and its members, noting that they are owed depths of gratitude for organizing the first Mashramani celebration. Norton said, come next year, he hopes to see members of the diaspora actively involved and participating in the events associated with the celebration. Further, he challenged the Linden community to have its own steel orchestra.
Mayor Holland, in his remarks, noted that organizers of the celebration and Lindeners each have a role to play in producing an outstanding Mashramani celebration, one that would draw visitors both local and foreign, while at the same time preserving the rich diversity of the people.
“The prodigal celebration has returned to her place of origin. It was here that Mashramani was innovated, and here it was perfected. It is time we embrace and execute a return of this legacy, by ensuring that Mashramani 2018 embodies the rich cultural heritage of our proud town and region,” the Mayor said.
Further, Holland pointed out that foreigners must not only actively plan to attend Carnival and Caribana, but Mashramani as well, in an effort that the country’s culture, craft, fine local products, eco-tourism, hospitality and much more can become internationally popular.
Regional Chairman Renis Morian said the celebration goes beyond just celebrating Mashramani in terms of frolic, but also the achievements of young people and children across the Region. He urged those present to look at the celebration in the individual sense of “achieving after working hard”.
“It will take not just hard work, but collective work; because Mashramani speaks of communities, groups, families working together…Your dreams and aspirations could be realized once we take note of the emphasis of Mashramani — ‘celebration after hard work’,” Morian said.
Following the ceremony, the event culminated with the hosting of the ‘Mash Splash Spectacular,’ which saw the performances of several local artistes ripping the stage.