Mason slapped with attempted murder charge

A 24-year-old mason who was slapped with an attempted murder charge was released on $120,000 bail when he appeared at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts on Monday.
Quincy Evans, of Lot 24 Gordon Street, Kitty, Georgetown, appeared before Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan to face the charge which stated that on August 25 at Gordon Street, he wounded Joshua Williams with intent to commit murder.
Police Prosecutor Gordon Mansfield informed the court that on August 25, the Virtual Complainant was standing on Gordon Street, Kitty, when the accused approached him with a sharp object. The court heard that the two men had a heated argument and the accused dealt the VC several stabs about his body. The injured man was rushed to the Georgetown Public Hospital.
Prosecutor Mansfield did not object to bail; however, he asked that conditions be attached.
The Chief Magistrate released Evans on bail and the case was adjourned to September 30, 2019. As a condition of bail, Evans was ordered to lodge his passport with the court and to not make contact with or cause anyone to make contact with the VC. He was also ordered to report to the Kitty Police Station every Friday until his trial is completed.