
…the troops
Some folks are all in a tither that the PNC government has budgeted for the massive expansion of the Disciplined Forces but couldn’t find money to pay fired sugar workers their severance. Your Eyewitness isn’t sure why! And it all has to do with politics. Firstly, but not most importantly, the sugar workers are generally going to vote for the PPP at the next elections. The AFC’s dead (and rotten) meat.
But that was kinda like a “chicken and egg” question, wasn’t it? By firing the sugar workers – especially some of them in Berbice, who’d voted for the AFC — the PNC was ringing the latter’s death knell. So what happened? The PNC doesn’t need the AFC no mo’? The short answer is “NO!!!” N’yet!!  The PNC‘s gone back to basics where elections are concerned; meaning they’ve got it in the bag. And the expanded army isn’t only to provide employment to the next generation of PNCites, but to also ensure the bag is secure.
Back in the day, Burnham also expanded the Disciplined Forces massively. In fact, he CREATED the idea of a multi-pronged armed forces for Guyana. In addition to launching the army with young fellas like Granger in 1965, he used the Venezuelan rattling of swords at our western border in 1969 to justify launching the National Service; the People’s Militia; and arming the WRSM and the YSM (Not to mention the People’s Temple!). By the time he was finished, he had 32,000 men, women and youths running around with guns in their hands.
But they didn’t run around just anywhere. They concentrated in marching through “PPP” villages, to remind them as to what could be brought down on them in case they started to get ideas!!
So with Granger completing Burnham’s Circle as he promised, he’s getting ready to capture the next elections BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY!! If the Storm Trooper routine doesn’t intimidate the PPP supporters, the ballots can always be seized by the army or other forces for “protection”, and brought for counting at Camp Ayanganna.
The last time the exercise was conducted, Granger actually described the soldiers – in the book he wrote on the GDF – as having done an “excellent” job.
With him now being the Commander in Chief and all, he can now ensure the collection, collation and counting of votes are “exemplary”!! And to top off matters, folks won’t have to gripe how long it’s taking to count the votes. These could now be prepared and counted even before Election Day!!
Anyhow your Eyewitness hopes you, dear readers, now understand why the army’s expansion had to take precedence.
Nothing personal – it’s just political!!

…refugees from Venezuela
After Hurricane Maria had devastated several West Indian islands – but especially our fellow CariCom member state Dominica — President Granger was so touched by their plight that he offered to resettle them in Guyana, and even to give them land. It was such a noble gesture that tears welled up in your Eyewitness’s eyes. Weren’t they, too, also men and our brothers? We share the same Caribbean culture and all that!! None of the Dominicans took up our President’s noble gesture…but he made the offer, didn’t he?
Anyhow there’s just as devastating a crisis over in Venezuela, and the President has also spoken touchingly about the poor Venezuelans and their plight, as their economy is being pulled apart into a seeming Black Hole. But no one seems to remember there are at least 50,000 Guyanese and their children who’re also being sucked into some other galaxy. Don’t we owe them a helping hand?
Are they, too, not also men and our brothers? We’re sure President Granger won’t play politics with their lives and leave them trapped.
Or would he?

Some are surprised that Trotman had agreed, when he “renegotiated” the oil contract, that he had to give one week’s notice before he can visit the FPSO.
Well…duh!! Don’t they have to clear the decks and roll out the red carpet and so on?