Home Letters Massive growth and development in the agri- sector
Dear Editor,
Under the stewardship and guidance of the Honorable Minister Zulfikar Mustapha, the agriculture sector has shown significant growth in most subsectors, despite challenges faced by the Government after assuming office in August, 2020. In 2024, the agriculture sector maintained a significant contribution to the nation’s non-oil Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of 23.2%. This sector encompasses a diverse range of activities, including rice and sugar production, livestock farming, aquaculture, and the cultivation of fruits and vegetables.
Agriculture has remained a cornerstone of Guyana’s economic transformation, playing a pivotal role in driving sustainable growth and diversification in Guyana’s non-oil economy.
Government’s commitment to expanding the critical agriculture sub-sectors is reflected in the substantial increase in budgetary allocations from 2020 to now, which has seen a remarkable rise of approximately 430.43%, signalling a strong dedication to sustainable agricultural development.
The overarching vision for the longer-term development of the agriculture sector has been for Guyana to have a competitive, dynamic, diversified, socially inclusive and environmentally sustainable agri-food system. This has led to implementation of several new initiatives and growth in production. The agriculture, fishing, and forestry sector grew by 11% in 2024.
The National Drainage and Irrigation Authority (NDIA) and the Mahaica-Mahaicony-Abary Agricultural Development Authority (MMA-ADA) have significantly reduced D&I fees and land rental charges from $15,000 to $3,500, and 22,000 farmers have benefitted; construction of Hope-like canals in Regions 5 and 6, costing approximately G$18 billion, has aided in flood protection for 513,325 acres of land; and 8,600 miles of drains and canals have been rehabilitated and maintained, while pump stations have been constructed. Currently, 19 pumps have been procured, 7 stations are being constructed to the value of G$10.2 billion, and 167 miles of farm-to-market access roads have been constructed in Regions 2, 3, 4 and 5
(respectively at Golden Fleece, Sparta, Onderneeming, (La Harmony, Maria’s Lodge, Parika Backdam, Hague, Victoria, Nabaclis, Buxton, Friendship and MMA Scheme).
In the Pomeroon area, specific interventions and emphasis are being placed on clearing blocked drains and on bed and drains work, acquisition and deployment of pontoons and excavators in the Upper and Lower Pomeroon, along with dredging of the Pomeroon River mouth to the value of G$2.5 billion.
In the rice industry, the Agriculture Ministry continues to carry out extension works and provide better systems to meet the needs of rice farmers. For the first time in Guyana’s history, rice production has surpassed the 700,000-tonne margin, peaking at 725,282 metric tonnes (MT). This represents an increase of 11 percent when compared to the production of 653,706 metric tonnes recorded for 2023. This resulted in an expansion of 9.3% growth in our rice industry.
During the period 2022-2024, allocation of fertilizers to the farmers amounted to G$1.850 billion, while an additional G$2 billion has been budgeted for in 2025.
The commission paid to GRDB by exporters has been reduced from US$8 to US$6 per MT effective from 1st April, 2022, while sales commission was removed for the first crop of 2023, which allowed farmers to benefit from higher prices of paddy at $4,500 per bag.
Production of seeds has been increased to 152,000 bags per year (BBP: 12,000 bags; #56: 16,000 bags; Burma: 24,000 bags; MMA: 100,000 bags) to meet the growing demand of rice farmers for quality seeds, and this has resulted in an expansion of the MMA Seed Facility, which now produces 50,000 bags of seed paddy per crop.
In an effort to support continued expansion of rice production, G$430.9 million has been allocated in 2025 to construct #56 Seed Storage facilities, introduce specialized broadcast equipment, promote precision agriculture, and improve crop efficiency; with a Paddy Bug Management programme restarted to protect the produce.
The PetroCaribe rice deal with Venezuela collapsed under APNU administration. After waiting for almost a decade, 27 farmers and 5 millers received a total of G$437 million as outstanding payments in 2024. This was made possible through interventions of President Ali’s initiative.
Through their hard work and dedication to sustain and develop the rice industry, the PPP/C government secured access to new markets in Latvia, Hungary, British Virgin Islands, Slovenia, Estonia, Lebanon, Angola and Sierra Leone. Government’s approach to improve rice in our local market has seen introduction of new varieties of rice over the past four years: GRDB 16, GRDB 18 and Bio-fortified rice (GRDB 17), all of which have yield potential of between 7 and 9 tonnes per hectare.
The Ministry has continued to invest in infrastructural upgrades in the rice industry, such as the construction of a Germplasm Bank valued at G$14M in 2021; the digitisation of rice land valued at G$12M in 2022, which resulted in all rice plots in every region being digitized; extensive laboratory research ongoing for valued added for rice; soil, Germplasm storage facility, Insectary and Screen House are currently ongoing, along with introduction of technology and machinery: drones, specialized tractors for broadcasting fertilizers and seeds and application of pesticides, with the current upgraded construction of 9 drying floor in Regions 2,3,4,5 and 6, with two more being constructed in Region 2 at Sparta village and Region 6 at Liverpool village.
With all the development and great initiatives that are contributing to growth in the rice industry, removal of valued added taxes and duties on machinery, equipment, agrochemicals, fertilizers and pesticides have provided relief to the farmers and other beneficiaries of the sector by reducing cost on imports and driving our mechanization efforts.The other sectors, such as NAREI and Hope, have shown significant increase in corn and soya production, from 115 acres of produce in 2021 to 12,000 acres in 2024; in the production of over 1 million plantlets; Soil Labs to the value of G$100M; Tissue Culture Lab to the value of G$380M, along with the importation 103,000 high-yielding coconut seeds planted on 7,113 acres in 2020; over G$50M in planting materials for spices such as ginger, turmeric, nutmeg and black pepper, which have benefitted over 2,000 farmers.
Agro-processing is vital, and while sustaining and implementing 15 (fifteen) agro-processing and packaging facilities has been constructed/retrofitted and 11 (eleven) was completed in Watooka, Karaudarnau, Fort Wellington, Kumaka, White Water, Charity, Maruranau, Orealla, St Ignatius, Hope, Bartica; and added to that, a separate facility for the processing of cassava which will assist over 200 farmers with marketing fresh cassava tubers.
In the livestock (GLDA) and Fisheries subsectors, due to the growth and market demand, the Agriculture Ministry has embarked on a Boiler Breeder Project which produced 167,000 hatching eggs and benefitted 5,566 farmers.
There is also Apiculture Advancement: the production of honey, where 500 hives were distributed to 1,344 apiculturists, moving honey production from 2,600 gallons in 2023 to almost 30,000 gallons in 2024.
In the livestock sector, the implementation of Genetic Improvement programs has been carried out in 6 regions, of which 34 farmers benefitted from the bull importation, resulting in 220 births to date. Additionally, 15 pens have been established nationwide as part of the tunnel houses initiative which will aid in reducing endemic diseases and increasing biosecurity and production of meat and hatching eggs.
On the note of expansion and development in fisheries sector, the Satyadeow Sawh Aquaculture Station at Mon Repos has been expanded to 14 acres, while the fisheries landing sites in Regions 2,3, 4, 5 and 6 have benefitted from improvement works valued at approximately G$300M.
Additional works include the installation of vessel monitoring devices for commercial vessels in Regions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, along with brackish water shrimp farming in Region 6. Production has increased from 112,000kg in 2021 to over 1.1 million kg in 2024.
In an economy that is growing at a rapid pace, all the efforts of the President Ali-led administration are commendable. They have been working tirelessly to improve every sector in our nation. Government is committed to agriculture and food production, and will continue to develop and support the industry. We understand the benefits agriculture has to offer to our nation, and by extension overseas countries that we supply. The goal is to ensure that every farmer and every beneficiary benefits from the growth and expansion of this industry.
Neil Kumar and Alechia Amos