Mayor of Anna Regina disappointed in President Granger

Deputy Mayor of Region Two (Pomeroon-Supenaam), Darshan Persaud, has expressed dissatisfaction with the conduct of President David Granger after he visited Anna Regina on Thursday last.
According to Persaud, the President visited the region to distribute kites to the children of the region at the Anna Regina car park without informing himself or any other authority of the event, or even following the time-honoured protocol which has been established over several years.
Persaud in an interview with Guyana Times said he had met with the President the day before his visit and was totally unaware of his visit to the region the following day.
“Myself and the Mayor were sworn in at State House where we met with the President and even had dinner, so I can’t say why we were not informed of his visit,” Persaud said.
Moreover, he noted that he is very disappointed with the actions of President Granger and the way things happened, while expressing that permission must be sought from the Town Council in the case of hosting of any event, even if he is the President.
However, the Deputy Mayor noted that he will be raising the issue at the upcoming Council meeting.
While delivering his feature address to the large gathering on Thursday, President Granger said the purpose behind the distribution is “to spread the joy of Easter”.
President Granger did the honours of distributing the kites, with the aid of Minister within the Public Infrastructure Ministry, Annette Ferguson and Social Protection Minister Amna Ally.