Mazaruni River boat collision: Still no trace of missing men, boat captain on bail

The search continues for Troy Anthony Joseph, 35, and Cranston Davidson, 43, both from Agatash Village, Bartica, Region Seven (Cuyuni-Mazaruni) who have been missing following a boat collision on July 5 in the Mazaruni River.
In that accident, Oswald Hudson Jr., 29, from First Avenue Bartica died.
It was reported that on the night of the accident, Davidson and Joseph were in a boat captained by Oswald Hudson Sr., 60, also from Bartica. The collision occurred at approximately 23:50h when Hudson Sr.’s boat, carrying six passengers, collided head-on with another boat operated by Shavez Thomas, 29, from Itaballi Landing.
The crash threw all occupants into the water. Despite efforts by public-spirited citizens to rescue the victims, only six people were pulled from the river, with Hudson Jr.’s body recovered later.

Missing: Troy Anthony Joseph and Cranston Davidson

Since the incident, families of the missing men have been tirelessly searching the river and its banks, expressing frustration with the perceived lack of support from authorities. The police initially only reported Hudson Jr.’s death, overlooking the missing persons. The families of Davidson and Joseph have since confirmed that they were also onboard.
On the same day, Guyana Times published an article in which frustrated family members of the two missing men complained about the lack of support from the Police in the search for the two brothers-in-law. Maritime Administration (MARAD) along with police ranks, joined family members in searching for the men.
The Police Force said on Monday that on July 6, 9, and 10, ranks along with the Maritime Officer for Regional Police Division Seven conducted searches in the Mazaruni and Essequibo Rivers for the remaining two missing persons but to no avail.
Nevertheless, another team returned to the area on Monday to assist family members in the search. However, Davidson’s sister, Felicia Edwards told the Guyana Times on Sunday that they were only assisted for one and a half days.
“They said they were going to come back to look for the boat because someone said they saw the boat, but I didn’t see them come back or we didn’t hear anything from them”, the woman said.
“On Friday the 19th we got a call from my sister-in-law’s brother saying that the captain found the boat he brought a man from Suriname with a scanner which means they scanned the boat and eventually found it then after they found it they tied a yellow bottle on the spot where the boat…”

She also reported that Thomas, the driver of the other boat involved in the collision, was arrested. However, Thomas was subsequently placed on bail as investigations continue.
“They brought out the boat driver and they said they were going to lock him up… we were later told that he was arrested and placed on bail”, said Davidson’s sister, Felicia Edwards.
The woman said despite these efforts, there is still no trace of Davidson and Joseph, leaving their families in a state of anguish and uncertainty. The families continue to appeal for more comprehensive search operations and greater transparency from the police and other involved agencies.