M&CC awaiting response from Public Infrastructure Minister
Stabroek Wharf rehabilitation
With the recent collapse of a section of the Stabroek Wharf which resulted in the relocation of vendors, Town Clerk Royston King told media operatives that he was awaiting a response from Public Infrastructure Minister David Patterson on the way forward.
On Thursday, King indicated that the vendors were operating at the Wharf even though it was unsafe. However, they are pushing to have the works commence as soon as possible, since another section of the deplorable Wharf collapsed last week.
“This is the second time we have had such an incident this year. At the moment, the physical condition of that facility appears to be very unstable. It presents a clear and present danger to those who occupy as well as those who visit to purchase from the stallholders,” he said.
“I’ve written to the Minister and we hope to get a reply before the next statutory
A section of the Wharf to be rehabilitated
meeting, which is on Monday next. In any case, the persons who will be relocated to that section of the city will have to remain there on a temporary basis,” he added.
Meanwhile, it was related that the Mayor and City Council (M&CC) had made the decision to relocate the vendors to an area that is situated on the western side of Parliament Building.
“I have taken action to relocate those stallholders who are operating at that facility. Last Friday, we met with them and explained that situation and our intention to relocate them. They agreed…however, we are in the process of preparing the area and hope to be able to have the stallholders there in another three weeks,” King said.
For the relocation, King explained that the Ramp Road hire-car drivers were also engaged by Mayor Patricia Chase Green and the issues affecting them were also rectified. This comes in light of the fact that many of the operators had raised concerns about the relocation, since the Council had closed their parking area to facilitate the vendors. The livelihoods of the drivers were severely affected as a result.
“Also, Her Worship met with taxi drivers who operate from that area and shared with [them] the necessity of our action to rearrange and reorganise that space to accommodate our legal tenants who are operating at the Wharf. They have agreed to work with a reduced space, to be registered with the Council and pay a fee to the City Treasurer. That fee would be used to sanitise the area and to keep it clean,” the Town Clerk stated.
“The 42 bus park is usually operating in that particular area and that really is within the portfolio of the Council and what we’re trying to do is to use our own resources or own reserves to allow our legal tenants to do their business,” he added.
As of now, a comprehensive analysis is being conducted on the condition of the Wharf by the City Engineer, and will include practical and workable recommendations.