Mechanic killed execution-style in East Ruimveldt

Investigators at the scene on Friday evening

A mechanic was on Friday evening riddled with bullets in East Ruimveldt, Georgetown by two men on motorcycles. The dead man has been identified as Troy Rodrigues, also called “Junior” and “Kelly”, of Laing Avenue, Georgetown.
The shooting reportedly occurred about 19:30h. Based on information received, Rodrigues and another man had crossed a bridge and were confronted by the armed men on motorcycles.
Upon seeing the men, Rodrigues, who was reportedly on bail for an armed robbery charge, ran in one direction and the other man in another. However, the motorcyclists went after him and shot him several times to the body. The injured mechanic continued running but collapsed.
He was picked up and taken to the Georgetown Public Hospital where he was pronounced dead. The motorcyclists subsequently fled the scene.
When Guyana Times visited the scene, the area had been cordoned off and detectives were conducting their investigations.
A friend of Rodrigues who asked to remain anonymous told this publication that the now-deceased man had repaired a motorcycle for him earlier in the week, but it started to give some problems and as such, he returned it to have it checked again.
He noted that on Friday evening, as he was heading home from work, he stopped in at the mechanic shop where Rodrigues worked only to find out that he had been gunned down on Cemetery Road.
“I come straight to the scene… based on what I hear is that Junior and a brethren de riding when some men pull up and open fire on them… Kelly run one direction and the other man run in the other direction… but the shooters ride behind Kelly and shoot he up… I can’t say what coulda cause… Junior is a well-known man around the place…”
Another man explained that from all indications Rodrigues was the target.
“Is cross them cross that bridge and the men on bike brackle them… he run one side and the other man run another side… them shoot he couple times…”
At the home of the murdered man, a relative, when questioned, related that he did not know much about what transpired except that Rodrigues was shot and killed. Up to press time, Police had not released any information on the shooting.