‘Metal Shark’ patrol vessel for GDF to arrive in October – Finance Minister

– GDF to embark on infrastructure works across bases

The Offshore Patrol Vessel (OPV) being procured for the Guyana Defence Force (GDF) will arrive in October 2023, with additional monies for this and other Force expenses being approved by the National Assembly last week.
Information on the 115-foot vessel was revealed by Senior Minister in the Office of the President with responsibility for finance, Dr Ashni Singh, when answering questions on the supplementary funds being sought for the GDF.
The Finance Minister was asked what type of expanded work was being done with the additional millions being sought. According to him, the money will not only help develop the Information and Communications Technology capacity of the Force but also cover additional expenses for the vessel.
“With due regard to the comments I made earlier in regards to being circumspect in connection to the GDF’s operations, I would say under this line there are essentially two or three broad categories of operations and activities that account for the supplementary appropriation being sought.”

The 115-foot patrol vessel Defiant when it was launched

“The first is in relation to upgrading the ICT capabilities of the Force. The second and third are in connection with the completion, transport, and delivery of the Offshore Patrol Vessel that is being procured. There are certain recurrent costs that are being incurred in connection with that,” the Finance Minister said.
Meanwhile, more details were also provided about the building works the GDF plans to accomplish with the $563 million being sought. This money was allocated in the financial paper for the “provision of additional resources to facilitate the urgent upgrade of infrastructure across several bases.”
“There are a number of buildings that we are proposing to do additional work on. These include the building facility that we have at Eteringbang, the air corps facilities at Timehri, the hangar at Ogle, the accommodations and several buildings at base camp Ayanganna, and the lecture hall at Tacama,” the Minister said.
The 115-foot Defiant patrol vessel earmarked for Guyana, dubbed the “GDFS Berbice”, was launched earlier this month. Metal Shark Chief Executive Officer Chris Allard had said that the vessel will play a key role in helping to protect Guyana’s oil and gas industry.
Last month, President Dr Irfaan Ali said that the vessel being procured from United States (US)-based company Metal Shark, would also help Guyana in patrolling the exclusive economic zone (EEZ) against illegal fishing.
He pointed out that Guyana has been losing significant revenue from illegal fishing in its EEZ, a problem that is being dealt with through the modernisation and outfitting of the GDF with a wide range of marine and aviation equipment.
Additionally, he had said they are already in discussions with different stakeholders on a mother ship to help secure the EEZ. President Ali pointed out that Guyana is already losing significant revenue from illegal fishing in the EEZ.
“We’re already in discussions with different stakeholders on a mother ship that would help us in securing our EEZ and ensuring that the commercial value of our EEZ is not exploited without us having a presence there. And that is what the Beechcraft would allow us to do,” President Ali said.
“When outfitted with additional equipment and the Dornier when that comes into the fleet, [it] will help us to tremendously secure our EEZ. We know from information that is being shared with us that we’re losing a lot of revenue with illegal fishing within our EEZ. So, the commercial viability of the investment is one that is also taken into consideration.”
Mention was also made of the conversion of the hangar. President Ali had revealed that, with the authorisation of the Defence Board, the GDF will be taking over the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo) hangar at the Eugene F Correia (Ogle) airport.
“The Defence Board has also authorised the Air Corps, the Chief of Staff, to move now on setting out a plan to take over the operations, maintenance of the GuySuCo hangar at Ogle. So that that GuySuCo hangar will now come into use for the Air Corps, but in an expanded way,” President Ali had said. (G-3)