Miner missing after boat mishap

Police in Region Seven (Cuyuni-Mazaruni) are searching for Dionson Charlie, a 32-year-old miner and resident of the Mazaruni riverine village of Jawalla, who went missing following a mishap in that river on Monday.
This incident is the second tragic incident to have occurred on the region’s waterways in recent months.
It has been reported that Charlie was travelling from ‘Bush Cow’ Backdam to Kako Village when his boat collided with a floating object in the Mazaruni River at around 11:00h. The impact is believed to have caused Charlie to fall overboard.
Residents near the river’s bank raised an alarm after hearing a loud crashing noise, and a wooden boat that was later found floating unattended was recovered, but Charlie was nowhere to be found.
On Tuesday, a police inspector and other ranks were joined by locals to conduct a search for Charlie, but their efforts have so far failed to locate the missing miner. However, investigators have found Charlie’s small boat at ‘Bush Cow’ Landing with what appeared to be bloodstains on its seats and sides. The boat has since been lodged with the police as investigations continue.
This latest incident comes just two months after another tragic boat mishap had occurred in the same region. On July 5, Troy Anthony Joseph and Cranston Davidson went missing after two boats collided in the Mazaruni River. Despite multiple searches involving police, family members, and personnel from the Maritime Administration Department (MARAD), the bodies of these men are yet to be found.
Police are still actively searching for those persons who were involved in that collision. (G9)