Miner on illegal gun, ammo charges on $400,000 bail

Jamal Rollox, a 37-year-old miner who resides in Campbellville, Georgetown, was on Wednesday placed on $400,000 bail after appearing before Georgetown Magistrate Faith McGusty and pleading not guilty to being in possession of an unlicensed firearm and ammunition.

Charged: Jamal Rollox

These charges have stemmed from the police arresting Rollox at the Dynasty Bar on Aubrey Barker Road in Ruimveldt on September 15.
Officers had been monitoring a wake for the late Lawrence Wayne, also known as “Boy Boy,” when they observed Rollox using a firearm to discharge several rounds into the air.
According to the police report, upon noticing the presence of law enforcement personnel, Rollox attempted to dispose of the weapon by throwing it under a parked car. Officers quickly retrieved the firearm, which was identified as a Glock 40 pistol containing ten live rounds of 9mm ammunition.
When asked if he had a licence for the weapon, Rollox admitted he did not.
Following his arrest, Rollox was taken to the East La Penitence Police Station, where the firearm and ammunition were secured as evidence and sent for ballistics analysis.
He will have to return to court on October 6. (G9)