Miner robbed of raw gold, licensed firearm & ammo

Two masked men have executed a daring robbery on 33-year-old Mohamed Azam Shadiek, a miner of Canal Number Two, West Bank Demerara (WBD), on Thursday at Sand Hill Backdam in Region Seven (Cuyuni-Mazaruni).
Based on information received, on the day in question, between 17:00h and 18:00h, Shadiek, a licensed firearm holder, and his workers had washed down a land dredge, on completion of which he secured the production in a small green container and placed it in his haversack.
Armed with his .32 Taurus pistol, he then boarded his all-terrain vehicle (ATV), accompanied by two of his workers – Wayne Thomas and Isaque Brown – and left for his camp.
About three minutes into their journey, Shadiek noticed a tree lying across the road blocking his path, thus causing him to stop. That is when he was ambushed by these two suspects, who were both armed with handguns.
The miner was held at gunpoint and relieved of his pistol and 10 matching rounds of ammunition, along with an undisclosed amount of raw gold, before the suspects made good their escape.
The matter was reported and a manhunt has been launched for the two suspects.