Miner stabbed to death at Puruni, suspect arrested
A 24-year-old miner of Moruca Village, North West District in Region One (Barima-Waini), was in the wee hours of Sunday stabbed to death following an altercation with another miner – who has since confessed to the crime.
The Guyana Police Force on Monday identified the dead man as Raynold John. According to reports, the incident occurred at ‘Chiney Creek’ Backdam, Puruni River.
Police stated that the victim and the suspect are known to each other as they worked in close proximity.
The body of Raynold John being examined at the scene
However, on Saturday evening at about 17:30h, John left his worksite and went over to a nearby camp that sells alcohol where he was seen imbibing with some friends, including the suspect.
While drinking, an argument ensued between them. The now dead man chose to leave and indicated that he was heading back to his camp.
Nevertheless, reports are that the suspect followed him into the camp, allegedly pulled out a knife from the waist of his pants and dealt John one stab to his chest.
The victim began bleeding profusely, thus causing him to fall to the ground and shortly afterwards, became motionless.
The Police were summoned and upon examining the victim’s body, a single stab wound was seen in the vicinity of the chest area.
Checks were made for the suspect, who was arrested at another camp some distance away. A knife suspected to be the murder weapon was found on a bench in the camp.
John’s body was escorted to Bartica Regional Hospital Mortuary while the suspect was taken to Bartica Police Station, where, under caution, he gave a confession. A video interview was also done in which he again detailed what happened.
Statements were taken, and the suspect remains in custody pending charges.