Home Letters Minister’s vehicle drove into crowd of protesters
Dear Editor,
I wish to ‘clear the air’ on the deliberate attempt by the usurper President, David Granger, to mischievously misrepresent the facts as it relates to Dr Karen Cummings during the PPP/C peaceful protest on Thursday, September 18, outside the Pegasus Hotel in Georgetown.
Dr Cummings’ failed attempt to bully her way through a crowd of PPP/C protesters was captured live on video by me, and went viral on Facebook for the world to see. Thanks to modern technology, this unedited footage is evidence that no one threatened to “overturn” the taxpayers’ vehicle she was sitting in, no one was beating their hands on the vehicle, nor was she ever held “hostage” at any time. These are all made-up lies to make the PPP/C look bad, and to justify giving the police the authority to use force to break up any future peaceful protest action used against the dictator and his usurper Ministers by the PPP/C.
Editor, I was standing on the road amidst hundreds of protesters because I was earlier denied access beyond the metal barriers by a senior police officer. As I stood there, an official Government-issued vehicle suddenly approached, forcing its way through the dense crowd in total disregard for the safety of human lives. Disgusted by the insane actions of the driver, I stood my ground in defiance, hoping that my recognisable presence would prevent him from proceeding further into the crowd. The driver slowed down, but kept moving forward, and only stopped when the vehicle made contact with my body. As he continued to inch the vehicle forward, I was determined not to move and I urged my colleagues to do the same, hoping to stop this lunacy.
Upon inspection of the plate number, I recognised the vehicle as one assigned to the now usurper Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dr Karen Cummings. As a medical doctor, Dr Cummings must take full responsibility for instructing her driver to break through the crowd with a vehicle clearly used as a weapon, just so she could be on time to have lunch with her boss. This reckless and irresponsible action threatened the safety of myself and other protesters and placed us all at risk of serious injury. Throughout this ordeal, we urged the driver, continuously, to back off, but he refused to do so. Finally, Police cleared the rear of the vehicle and instructed the driver to reverse. We were all thankful to our men and women in uniform for averting a tragedy. At no time was Dr Cummings threatened, except for the shouts of protesters that reminded her she was illegal. From my vantage point in front of the vehicle, she was never in any danger as she remained seated in the vehicle throughout the ordeal.
At no time was she held “hostage” as she was free to instruct her driver to reverse the vehicle but was determined to show the protesters how powerful she is. At one point, her driver was overheard threatening to “run them over”. Cummings’ instructions to the police to use force may have fallen on deaf ears because the police rightly assessed that the protesters were not violent, the Minister was not in harm’s way, and no one was threatening to overturn the vehicle “with the Minister inside” as was mischievously reported.
Had this been a PNC/APNU protest against a PPP/C Government, the PPP Minister’s vehicle would have been destroyed and set on fire like the unfortunate accident involving a truck driver and the child that occurred recently in Agricola, where the driver was stoned and his truck set ablaze.
So if the usurper President wants someone to “pay” for holding his usurper Minister of Foreign Affairs “hostage”, I guess I’m the guilty one. And if that idiotic usurper Attorney General feels that he has enough evidence to have me arrested and placed before the courts, then I dare him to do so. But then again, I don’t think he’s looking forward to chalking up another defeat against my lawyer to defend against lawsuits for unlawful arrest and defamation of character.
I also fully support the peaceful protest action taken inside the Pegasus Hotel by my colleagues that disrupted David Granger’s speech. This man is shameless to be masquerading as a legitimate President, calling our peaceful protesters “hooligans”. Had he not used that word, I am convinced his speech would not have been disrupted.
David Granger is not above the law and he must be constantly reminded of this.
Until he shows respect for our Constitution, he should not expect anyone to respect him. He’s nothing but a dictator and a usurper. He should get used to those titles!
Harry Gill
PPP/C Member of Parliament