Undescended testicles
General comments
Even prior to birth, when the pups are still in their mother’s womb (after conception), the testicles would have developed. They are quite visible and palpable at birth. If both testicles remain in the groin and do not emerge into the scrotum, such a condition is known as cryptorchidism.
If the caregiver cannot see or feel the testicles, there is no need to panic. On occasion, the testicles will not “drop” (descend) until 5-6 months after birth.
Sometimes only one testicle can be seen/felt. It is possible that the other testicle may emerge in the scrotal sac later. If not, discuss the matter with your vet. It is not a unique occurrence for a caregiver to present to the vet a young dog (or even one that has reached the age of maturity) with no visible and/or palpable testicles.
The salient message here is that one should not accept (even as a gift) or purchase a male pup unless a thorough physical examination is conducted on the animal. In addition to a comedic situation, it prevents a lot of embarrassment.
N.B: Testicles of young male pups can in fact retract into the groin if a hyper puppy becomes super-excited during play with its siblings.

Q: Must the descended
testicles be of the same size?
A: The testicles, even of a young pup and one approaching puberty/maturity, should be of equivalent size and firmness. Actually, the sperm-producing tissue is that which determines the eventual size of the testicle. Consequently, if one or both of the testicles is/are soft and/or small, one can expect a lower sperm production and a decreased libido (sexual desire and activity), even infertility. Such a dog should not serve as a stud. In fact, the caregiver may wish to discuss neutering (castration) of this dog.

Q: What if only one
testicle has descended?
A: Such a condition is called monorchidism (or unilateral cryptorchidism). Again, such a monorchid dog should not serve as a stud. Also, what complicates matters is the occurrence (not seldom) of the second (undescended) testicle being functional – even if only with a diminished capability.
As an aside, it may be worthy of mention that the testes (testicles) develop within the male dog’s abdomen (near the kidneys) and progress towards the passage through the abdominal wall into the groin area. If both testicles are retained, the male dog may still produce some testosterone (the male hormone), but he would usually be unable to produce viable sperm. Therefore, he will be infertile.

Q: What is the treatment for
undescended testicles?
A: Veterinarians could introduce hormonal treatment. But why would we want to go that route? The caregiver should take the advice of the veterinarian and neuter the animal. This entails surgical removal of the undescended testicles, which are still within the young dog’s abdomen/pelvic area, or are in the inguinal canal.
During the discussion with the vet, he/she would remind the caregiver about the following:
i. The retained testicles can develop tumorous growths (cancers) within the abdomen.
ii. The dog, as it reaches the age of puberty/maturity, may begin to mark its territory with urine discharge all over the house and immediate environment.
iii. The dog may exhibit aggression as it grows older.
iv. The retained testicle(s) can twist, which is painful, requiring corrective surgery.
v. The surgery (removal of the testicles) is neither difficult nor complicated. The success rate is high.
vi. The surgery would remove the genetic defect from the dog’s blood (breed) line.

Q: Are some breeds more prone to having cryptorchidism?
A: The literature on this defect is not conclusive relative to breeds. However, there is some consensus that smaller breeds tend to exhibit undescended testicles more often.