Nearly a month after winning the Miss Jamzone 2023 title, Trevlind Harry on Tuesday drove off in her brand-new Nissan Juke. Apart from the new motorcar, she also collected gift cards from Transbyshop Pitbull Jeans and Sexy Me Sexy You, and three months’ worth of spa services from The Refine Spa.
The presentation was made at the Hits & Jams (HJ) Headquarters in Queenstown, Georgetown.
Miss Jamzone 2023, Trevlind Harry, with her new car
Second-runner-up Shequana Holder uplifted her cash prize of $250,000, and first-runner-up Aliya Wong carted off $500,000. The beauties also received gift cards for fitness outfits from Fashion Fitness.
“I am grateful to everyone who would have contributed to this victory. I can say that I’m now getting the opportunity to get some rest, which I’m grateful for as well. And having the prizes now, it’s amazing. I have my own car now, so I don’t have to depend on anybody; I can get around perfectly fine on my own,” Harry expressed.
Harry, who had been sponsored by AJM Enterprises, also copped the prizes for Miss I can and I will, Best Talent, and Best Fantasy Swimsuit.
“My journey was not easy. That’s how I took the prize of ‘I can, and I will’, because I had a lot of hurdles that I had to get over. But knowing that you can do something, believing in yourself, I believe you can accomplish anything, and I am living proof of just that,” Harry told media operatives at the presentation ceremony.
Harry noted she had faced particular challenges in juggling her responsibilities and getting time off from work, as she is a nurse at the West Demerara Regional Hospital.
Miss Jamzone 2023 first-runner-up Aliya Wong won herself a $500,000 cash prize
Acknowledging the difficulty that comes with participating in a pageant that has a large viewership each year, former Miss Jamzone 2022, Amel Griffith, encouraged the awardees to take advantage of the opportunities that come their way.
“Because of initiatives like this, the Miss Jamzone Pageant, I believe that I’m a more empowered young woman today. I have influence, I have a say, a voice. So don’t take the crown or this title lightly. You have people that listen to you and look up to you, so use this year to the best of your abilities, and use all opportunities that come your way,” Griffith advised.
Meanwhile, the nine finalists will receive family gift certificates compliments of Royal Castle, and drink hampers compliments of Guyana Beverages Inc., Fruta, Kool Kids, and Busta.
Applications for the competition were opened back in April, and some 80 applications were narrowed down to 17, with the final nine being selected after a round of online voting. Those nine moved on to compete at the final event on August 27 at the Splashmins Resort on the Soesdyke-Linden Highway.
Miss Jamzone 2023 second-runner-up Shequana Holder won herself a $250,000 cash prize
Pageant Director Wasim Khan congratulated the awardees, and expressed appreciation for the supporters and coordinators who developed the pageant over the years.
“It was overwhelming at one point to see the amount of people that were there [at Splashmins]. And we cannot thank the supporters enough for coming out and supporting not only the Miss Jamzone Pageant, but the Jamzone event in general, which has become a staple in our yearly calendar,” Khan said. “It has been a distinct pleasure, and it has only gotten better over the last two years.”
He is urging prospective contestants to keep their eyes open for when applications would be opened for Miss Jamzone 2024.
“We have a big year coming ahead. Lots of things are coming up, because these girls really laid the foundation for Jamzone at Splashmins,” Khan said.