Dear Editor,
On January 15, 2016 in another section of the media one of my letters was published under the caption “The story of a missing Heat Machine.” This equipment went missing about two months ago, before a report was made to the police, also missing was a piece of dental equipment from the Anna Regina Health Centre, and again no report was made. I am not sure if any disciplinary action was taken against these persons or person whose responsibility it was to report this incident to the police as soon as this discovery was made because from all appearances, it would have been a clear case of break and enter and larceny or simple larceny and, failing to report demonstrates clearly how carefree and unconcerned the administration of that institutions is.
Quite recently I received the good news from a usually reliable source that the heat machine in question is back and is servicing the people well, of course that is the purpose we the tax payers bought it for.
I was later told this vital piece of equipment was in the possession of a Cuban doctor that left, but same was not handed over to the authorities. Well if this is so, then that situation can only be described as gross mismanagement. I am very much concerned when these things happen and I have every right to be so, you see I am in that large group of persons who find it very difficult to travel to Georgetown to have a medical examination done at a private hospital when it can be done at Suddie Public Hospital. I was taught not to envy people, because there would always be lesser and greater persons than myself. There would always be persons who can go to North America and Europe for minor ailments such as fever and diarrhoea and to have their dentures redone.
This letter in written not only on behalf of myself and the people of Region Two but all across the country, where there is gross mismanagement at our health institutions. The story of the missing heat machine and dental equipment needs to be investigated and the report made public, and those who are found to be negligent should face the consequences of their actions or inactions.
Archie Cordis