…for VC?
This VC the PNC-Govt is something else, isn’t he?? A Government supporter had dubbed the economy under the PPP as a “donkey cart” economy in which some folks want to live in a “Cadillac lifestyle”. Well, if the economy has imploded under the PNC-led APNU/AFC Government, what’s it now?? A push cart economy?? But from the looks of things, the UG VC looks like he’s determined to splurge on a Rolls Royce lifestyle!!
And here it is, Griffith was a member of the Young SOCIALIST Movement, back in the (Burnham) day!! If only the founder leader could see what’s happened to his co-op socialist dream!! Or is it the then small man (Griffith) has decided he’s the “real man” now that he’s returned from “Foreign”?? Don’t forget he was eased out from Fort Valley State University in Georgia after, “Moody’s Investor Service reduced the University’s bond rating, citing its declining enrolment, weak operating performance and minimal resources.”
Your Eyewitness doesn’t have to remind y’all (couldn’t quite get rid of that Georgia drawl!!) about the VC’s “fundraising trip to NY last year with a party (Boy, was it a party!!) of 13?? He spent million and brought back million. But hey!! It’s the thought that matters, no?? So what if the senior staff’s marching in the sun and rain demanding a raise – without tying it to a raise in student fees??
Anyhow you can’t say Griffith isn’t very open about his big-spending ways. After the UG Council nixed his plans to rent the four-storey white elephant at the corner of Camp and Lamaha at million PER MONTH, the man just thumbed his nose at them!! He’s taken out full page ads in two of the dailies – setting back UG at least 0,000 – announcing the opening of “THE SCHOOL OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP & BUSINESS INNOVATION (SEBI) for the 2017-2018 Academic Year!!
Now what’s going on here? Your Eyewitness knows UG’s autonomous and all that. But is the VC also autonomous?? He doesn’t have to get the approval of the Council for his harebrained schemes?? Something’s certainly rotten in the state of Tertiary Education. Now your Eyewitness has no problem with the idea of a Business School…But it cannot be opened on the whim of the VC – even if he has a CABINET!!
You think this is a spoof?? Just Google it and there with pictures and all, you’ll find the CABINET: -Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Academic Engagement; Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Planning and International Engagement; Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Philanthropy, Alumni and Civic Engagement; Registrar; Director, University of Guyana Berbice Campus; Director of Strategic Initiatives; Chief of Stall and finally (whew!!) Personnel officer!!
…for pomp and extravaganzas
Your Eyewitness is kinda flummoxed at the excuses the Government partisans are coming up with to defend its economic performance. Or lack thereof!! Businessmen are holding back on generating revenues to spite the Government!! They used to berate the PPP for blaming the weather for poor production. They’re now mum about the first crop plunge in production?? And let’s not discuss the six sisters that were the mainstays of the economy.
But that’s the people’s income side. The Government doesn’t care a hoot about that – they can boast about collecting $5 billion more in taxes in two months!! So what if taxes are sucking an already desiccated economy drier. What about the expenditure? This where it gets real surreal. Any little old lady selling sweeties on the street corner would tell them if their income’s dropping – cut spending. But not this lot!!
Heard about the preparations for Independence 50+1?? Yep!! Now that we collected the last $5 billion for SUGAR, look how fast it’ll go on the extravaganzas!!
…in forex??
Some good news from the BoG big wig – the demand for foreign exchange – which was threatening to drive the exchange rate through the sky – is over.
So how come your Eyewitness still can’t buy a US$100 from his bank??