Mocha resident on harassment of NCN cameramen

Dear Editor,
I note that the APNU/AFC are claiming that they did not harass the NCN cameramen who were doing their jobs by covering their meeting in Mocha recently. I also saw APNU/AFC admitting that they asked the cameramen where they were working. I believe that is intimidation, since it was a public meeting on the street.
I also noticed the NCN statement said the cameramen were attacked by APNU/AFC Member of Parliament Nima Flue-Bess, who was asking who the cameramen were, and where they are working. As a resident of Mocha, I know that Miss Flue-Bess lives in the same street in Mocha in which one of the cameramen lives. She knows that he works at NCN and she knows his family. So, for Miss Flue-Bess and APNU/AFC to say they don’t know the cameraman, or where he is working, is totally wrong and dishonest.
The way I see it is that APNU/AFC just wanted to stop NCN from filming the meeting. Why would they stop NCN and then say they don’t get coverage? In this modern time, APNU/AFC must know that people get the news right away on things that are happening. That is important, and APNU/AFC must also know that media people must be free to do their jobs.
The way Miss Flue-Bess acted in Mocha that day is not how a Member of Parliament must behave. What she and APNU/AFC did must be condemned by everybody.

Ryan Newton,
Mocha Arcadia