Mocha resident who allegedly provided guns to kill money changer arrested
Members of the Major Crime Unit within the Guyana Police Force (GPF) on Thursday arrested a Mocha Arcadia, East Bank Demerara (EBD) resident, who allegedly provided the weapons to the gunmen who killed an East Coast Demerara money changer and his daughter.
Dead: Arianna Latchman and Aaron Latchman
The man, who was nabbed in North Ruimveldt, Georgetown, was described by two of the three men detained for the murders as “second in charge”.
The alleged shooters told detectives that on the day Aaron Latchman and his daughter, Arianna, were killed, their second “boss” was at the scene in a car. Further, the men allegedly told Police that after the shooting, they were taken to a house in Sophia, Greater Georgetown, where they split the money paid for the hit.
The detectives, Guyana Times understands, went to the house in Sophia and interrogated the owner, who admitted that his friend (“second boss”) brought a group of men to his house where they were seen counting money. He was reportedly given $10,000 before the men left.
The owner of the house was arrested and was being further questioned. It is believed that the “second boss” might be behind the killings of the America Street money changers who were all gunned down during robberies.
The alleged mastermind is no stranger to the Police and the courts. He was charged for gun and ammunition possession. In addition, he is on trial for several armed robberies committed in 2018.
Meanwhile, the suspect “Rasta Man” of East La Penitence; “Marco” of Parika, East Bank Essequibo (EBE); “Red Man” of Sophia and “Julian” of East Ruimveldt, Georgetown remain in custody.
“Rasta Man” was reportedly arrested at Front Road, La Penitence, Georgetown, after Police swooped down on a house there. After his arrest, he took the Police to Dennis Street, Sophia and Parika, where the others were arrested.
Additionally, a motor car used by the bandits that belonged to the dead businessman was found at Front Road, La Penitence. During a search of the vehicle, an illegal firearm and several rounds of ammunition were found.
It was reported that on June 4, the now dead businessman had dropped off his younger daughter at her lessons and upon his return at home, he was confronted by the two gunmen.
He was held at gunpoint and escorted to the upper flat of his home with his 18-year-old daughter.
Reports are that the teen was attacked and shot to her chest when the bandits entered the house through the back door and began demanding cash.
They then escorted Latchman into the yard where they shot him multiple times before escaping with a bag of cash.
However, a source said that the elder Latchman fought with the bandits and managed to disarm one of them before he was shot.
The bandits quickly made good their escape in a white Toyota Carina 212 motor car, leaving a trail of money behind.
The man and his daughter were picked up and rushed to the Georgetown Public Hospital, where they were pronounced dead on arrival. They were laid to rest on Wednesday.