MoE/GGA golf programme receiving increased foreign, local support

The quantity of golf clubs that were donated

Several hundred golf clubs have been donated to the Guyana Golf Association (GGA) and Nexgen Golf Academy (NGA) by foreign and local golfers who are supportive of the astounding progress of the sport in Guyana.
And dozens of backpacks have been donated by Aleena and William Knight of New York to aid the school programme.
Head of the Priority Programme, Saeed Zameen, has said prizes would be given to top performers in the golf programme, and he has thanked the donors for their awesome support.

Some students who will benefit from the recent donation

With expansion of the Ministry of Education’s Unit of Allied Arts Priority Programme to an additional 16 schools (44 in just three months), where learners must be exposed to a sport, the need for equipment has increased, and thanks to the generosity of golfers, the GGA continues to meet the demand.
Golf club donations were recently received from Ray Ramroop, Ron Dhanram, Henry Dunn and Anam Shaw Ali of Orlando; Dr. Altaf Souvani and Darwin Sham of Ottawa; and Guyanese Daphne Samaroo and Mike Mangal.
GGA President Aleem Hussain has said, “It is clear that our efforts to grow the game over the past few years is catching the attention of golfers and supporters, and we are grateful for their support. We submitted a proposal recently to the Government that will put Guyana on the international stage for golf; and with more golf courses now under construction, our goal of turning Guyana into a golf destination is close to being realized!”