MoE to train 500 Maths teachers for hinterland communities
In an effort to boost the teaching of Mathematics in the hinterland regions, the Education Ministry will be training some 500 teachers to effectively teach using Mathematics kits, 400 of which has been distributed to students in the said regions.
One of the training sessions held at the Region Seven Education Department
The kits were hand-delivered to the region by Assistant Chief Education Officer (Primary) Carol Benn on Wednesday.
Benn also spearheaded the teachers’ training sessions, which were conducted by Vishnu Panday, a Mathematics specialist attached to National Centre for Educational Resource Development (NCERD).
The items which make up each kit include fraction & decimal tiles, geo-board, number line and modelling tiles, which will be manipulated by Grade Six pupils and teachers so as to help develop problem-solving competence in all of the Seven Standards of Primary Mathematics.
Receiving the kits on behalf of the Region Seven Education Department (Cuyuni-Mazaruni), Regional Education Officer Akbar Chindu expressed gratitude while noting that the mandate now rest with the department and its primary schools to ensure that teachers use the kits for the purpose which they were intended.
Several Mathematics monitors from the region will also be trained so as to ensure that the manipulatives are used correctly by both teachers and pupils.
This initiative to introduce alternative methods of teaching will target hinterland and riverine schools where, statistics show, Mathematics competence is lower as compared to schools on the coastland.