Mon Repos man killed in hit-and-run

…family pleads for answers

By LaWanda McAllister

A family is pleading for answers after a 23-year-old-man was killed in a hit-and-run accident outside his Mon Repos, East Coast Demerara (ECD) home on Saturday.
Dead is Devanand Bansie, a vendor of Lot 27 Mon Repos Railway Embankment, ECD. Reports are the accident occurred sometime between 02:00h and 04:00h on Saturday.

Dead: Devanand Bansie

According to Police, Bansie had celebrated his 23rd birthday on Friday and went home around 02:00h on Saturday. However, upon his arrival at home, the door was locked and he could not gain entry.
While details are still sketchy, the police said at about 04:00h, his body was seen lying motionlessly on the southern side of the railway embankment, just in front of his residence, with injuries.
When Guyana Times visited the home of the dead man on Saturday, his family explained that they are in a state of shock as a result of his untimely death. His mother-in-law, Yogeta Persaud, said at about 04:00h she was awakened and saw lights from a police vehicle.
“I decided to go and check to see what it was,” and that was when she was faced with the shocking discovery.
“…when he trunks blow then me say oh goy this is Vishal. I wake up everybody and me run out. When me run out, only to find that he roll up on the road…. We start to scream and neighbours start run out”, she said.
The paramedics were summoned to the scene, where Bansie was examined and pronounced dead. Bansie’s body was subsequently picked up and taken to the Lyken Funeral Parlour awaiting a post-mortem examination.
Meanwhile, the family is pleading for help in identifying who stuck him down and drove away.
“Whoever know that them do that, and know that he is a poor guy, hustling for daily bread, I just wish if somebody can come forward, and say something. We didn’t see nobody so we cannot blame nobody,” his mother-in-law explained.
They further called on investigators to help them get answers to bring closure for Bansie’s death. He was described by his family members as a jovial person, who always tries to put a smile on their faces. An investigation has been launched.