Home Letters Moray House should seek persons with competence
Dear Editor,
David Patterson, who failed to deliver a single new megawatt, nay watt, to the Guyana power grid during the five years of the David Granger administration, is scheduled to speak at the Moray House forum, entitled “Shifting Power: Guyana’s energy mix”. Someone in Moray House is attempting to redefine the word ‘expert’.
Patterson was part of the promise by APNU/AFC to move Guyana to a 100% renewable energy supply by 2025! Wind, hydro and solar were the touted solutions. No need to inform that none of this materialised. Patterson had a chance to move the gas-to-shore power plant forward, feasibility studies were done by the IDB and the Japanese Government (Mitsubishi). Despite the favourable opinions delivered, Patterson failed to identify a route for the pipeline, despite being asked repeatedly by Cabinet. A suspicion that friends and cronies were being given the lands where the pipeline would come ashore was rife, and was given credence by the strange allocation of half of the Demerara River to an APNU supporter.
After the Granger administration fell to a motion of no-confidence in December 2018, Patterson accessed monies illegally to build a long-overdue 46-megawatt power plant in a desperate bid to appease the electorate. Patterson was among the APNU/AFC candidates rejected by the electorate, and now sits on the Opposition benches in Parliament.
The attempt by Moray House to rebrand a failed Minister as an ‘expert’ is to fall prey to the flash and bling persons like Patterson display. Moray House should seek instead persons with competence, knowledge, and proven ability to deliver megawatts to better inform the public.
Robin Singh