…clutching and unclutching
You would know, from reading your Eyewitness’s account from yesterday, that he didn’t expect anything different from GECOM today on its workplan. And when you don’t have expectations of any Damascene miracle, he’s not disappointed. Que, sera, sera! With the Commissioners split down the middle between Opposition and Govt, the thought in having an “unaffiliated” Chair was to get someone who would rise above the deadlock and use their casting vote for the good of the country. That, at least, was Carter’s intent.
And for the most part since 1992, it worked. Not this time. This Chair, Claudette Singh, might be sitting in the middle, but she’s firmly leaning towards the PNC. She throws the PPP a bone as she “clutches”, but then gives a big, fat porterhouse steak to the PNC as she inevitably “unclutches”! And so said this afternoon, as the “recount plan” was finally fleshed out after the crumb of a ten-counting-station limit was offered.
The biggest non-surprise was her inclusion in the recount exercise of all the folks who’d fiddled with the first count to begin with, excepting Mingo. Let’s remember that while Mingo was the fella responsible, after he feigned the vapours, there were some other identified lower-level staff who did the dirty with the spreadsheets and with disappearing flash drives. Then, of course, there was Lowenfield’s Deputy, Roxanne Myers, who orchestrated the entire drams, including publicly bitch-slapping her boss!!
This coordinated affair, of course, has led to the need for the recount and to our becoming an international laughing stock for holding the longest elections in the world – and we ain’t even APPROACHING the finish line.
Now, Claudette got some kudos when she agreed to a recount; so, doesn’t it bother her that it was Mingo and company that precipitated it, and not Mingo by his lonesome?? Can she really trust the (fat) cats (including one pregnant one) to watch over the milk again??
Your Eyewitness is willing to bet dollars to donuts that one of these compromised worthies, which the OAS warned against including, will once again throw spanners (plural) into the works at strategic moments.
Now, another declutching for the PNC is the decision to have the 25-day timespan for the recount be open-ended. The PPP had asked for 10 days and PNC’s Alexander 32. But all of that is academic, ain’t it??
The PNC (forget this talk about “factions”) have already declared they don’t recognise no recount – it’s “illegal”!! So the question remains as to how many times must Claudette clutch and declutch before we decide that she’s part of the problem and can’t possibly be part of the solution?
Somebody gotta say, “This confounded nonsense must stop!!”
…backwardness in COVID-19 battle
As our COVID-19 numbers move inexorable skywards, it becomes clearer every day that the generals in this battle are way out of their league. Let’s take the death rate as a percentage of deaths against those infected. Now, if we don’t have a robust testing programme in place – based on what we’ve seen in places like New York – the number of infected is at least twice what’s being reported.
Secondly, we have seen that some folks (maybe up to 20%) may be asymptomatic until literally the last minute. Is it too much to suspect that some of these folks might’ve died at home and never been tested?? Since we know that COVID isn’t just a respiratory disease, but is associated with a host of co-morbidities – diabetes, heart problems – and can precipitate blood clots and strokes, etc…have the pathologists been instructed to test some who have died with last-minute respiratory problems??
Not for the deceased, of course, but for those who’d been in contact!?!
Once again, the PNC-led caretaker Government are sticking their fingers into the eyes of the US Government. They really believe the Americans will fall for the statements in their “Dossier” sent to their lobbyists.
They’re representing “Europeans” in Guyana!!