…on oil and gas
Have you, dear readers, noticed that – as predicted by your Eyewitness – the price of oil dipped below US per barrel? As he said, US shale production – which Exxon has now jumped into – would rise faster than anyone was predicting; fast outstripping OPEC’s production cut that was supposed to create “tight supplies” and raise prices. The US stared down the Saudis – who’d sworn to break shale oil – and the Saudis blinked!!
So what’s this got to do with us, apart from GPL making a killing, since its rates were set at US0 per barrel of oil?? Well, we return to the Government in general – and to Trotman in particular – who invoke oil ad nauseum since everything but gold has fallen apart from Government’s misguided policies. Now don’t get your Eyewitness wrong; he’s firmly convinced Exxon will make its final investment decision (FID) to go ahead.
But as he’s been asking: What’s in it for us?? Even if we could ever keep tabs on how much oil Exxon will be pumping out – ha!! – can WE make anything on US oil?? Your Eyewitness is amazed that local reporters don’t ask Trotman these questions; instead, letting him get away with spouting hot air and adding to global warming!
To misdirect folks terrified at the economy collapsing, Trotman started floating some nebulous US0M “oil processing facility” on Crab Island – which may have crabs, but is certainly no island! And this even though Exxon said it won’t touch that idea with a short-boom turret!! With that going nowhere, we now hear about him shelling out US0,000 to explore the idea of running a gas pipeline from the Stabroek Field to provide natural gas to fire a 200MW power plant.
More pie in the sky, in line with Trotman’s mantra of “if you can’t impress them with facts, dazzle them with BS!!” And this is high-grade, pungent BS! Not the idea, but the mega-bucks being shelled out to some Texan for the “study!!” This stinks to the high heavens; and if SARA were even SLIGHTLY less politicised, they’d be investigating this deal. Sounds like that electricity barge Corbin brought in from Texas back in the day for millions and millions, but we never got a watt of power. Lots of “WHAT the F***”, but no power!!
Anyhow, your Eyewitness has been pushing this Government to have a tie-in with Ghana on developing our oil and gas. They’re a decade ahead of us with their mirror Jubilee field.
Why not ask them about the US0M contract they just signed with China for their gas pipelines from their underwater oil fields??
…on Education
We just had an Education CoI Report given to an Education Minister. Yes, another one; this time from a CoI headed by former long-serving Chief Education Officer Ed Caesar. HE must’ve received dozens of these reports in his time from the education ministers who preceded this one. The incumbent minister said he hoped this report won’t be left to gather dust.
But that is exactly why your Eyewitness is worried. Since HE’s in charge, it’s up to THE MINISTER to ensure the report doesn’t gather dust. Since he felt it necessary to HOPE it didn’t, however, it’s clear that, like his predecessors, he’s expecting someone else to take charge to ensure the Report is implemented.
Remember the “No child left behind” Reports?? Remember the “Change from tests to Assessments” reports? Remember the Improve maths report?? The Improve English Report? Remember the Science Kits Report?
Well, this time there will be billions and billions of dollars from the World Bank to spend.
Expect the “Where’d the money go?” Report!!
…on Press Freedom
The PNC-led Coalition Govt complained that the Press Freedom report that dropped it THREE places on the world ranking is flawed!! When its predecessor PPP government was being given stick, the report was OK.
It’s not fair that they changed the criteria just to penalise the PNC!!