More trade, investment partnership discussed between US and Guyana

Plans for the enhancement of the trade and investment partnership between the US and Guyana were discussed when Guyana’s Finance Minister, Dr Ashni Singh on Thursday met with the Assistant United States (US) Trade Representative for the Western Hemisphere, Daniel Watson, in Washington DC.
Discussions centered on enhancing the trade and investment partnership between the US and Guyana.

Assistant United States (US) Trade Representative for the Western Hemisphere, Daniel Watson and Finance Minister, Dr Ashni Singh

Additionally, it was highlighted that the US continues to be one of Guyana’s most significant trading partners, and reiterated that the Government is committed to maintaining a strong institutional environment, and a favorable macroeconomic environment conducive to US companies doing business in Guyana.
Meanwhile, in a social media post the finance minister said that he also took some time to inform, Watson of recent economic developments and prospects in Guyana, and said that it is Government’s aim is to achieve strong, widely diversified, resilient and sustainable economic growth, and to ensure that the growth translates into involvement and participation to the benefit of every single Guyanese citizen.
The delegation attending the meetings also includes Guyana’s Ambassador to the US, H.E. Samuel Hinds
The United States has long been Guyana’s largest trading partner, with accumulated trade of more than US$3.9 billion recorded in 2022. In fact, the US is ranked as Guyana’s number one export and import destination, with export and import relations pegged at some US$2.7 billion and US$1.2 billion respectively in 2022.
Moreover, in July 2023, it was reported that in the previous three years alone, the figure for foreign direct investment from the US in Guyana stood at US$4.2 billion.
Currently, over 100 US-based companies are operating in Guyana, and according to the US Ambassador Nicole Theriot, this number is growing every day across various sectors in the Guyanese economy.
Bilateral ties between Guyana and the United States (US) continue to expand across every facet, especially through trade relations.