A Norton Street, Werk-en-Rust, Georgetown welder and his mother were taken into Police custody following the discovery of a gun, ammunition and a quantity of ganja during a raid.
According to reports, about 18:00h on Monday, the welder was observed by ranks of a mobile patrol on Norton Street acting in a suspicious manner and as such, a search was conducted on his person. An unlicensed .32 Taurus Pistol, along with four live rounds of matching ammunition,
was discovered.
The suspect was subsequently escorted to his home, where in the presence of his 50-year-old mother Police conducted a search, which led to the discovery of a live round of .38 ammunition and 3.5 grams of cannabis in a room.
This latest seizure of a firearm has brought the overall tally to 49 so far for the year, with A Division (Georgetown-East Bank Demerara) leading with 19; F Division (Interior Location) had 16, C Division (East Coast Demerara), 6; B Division (Berbice) 4; D Division (West Demerara), 3 and E Division (Linden-Kwakwani), 1.