Motorcyclist dies in Mandela Avenue crash

A motorcyclist lost his life on the Mandela Avenue, Georgetown roadway on Sunday evening, after he collided with a motor lorry.
Dead is 47-year-old Lakeram Etwaroo of Lot 42 Diamond New Housing Scheme, East Bank Demerara. He was operating motorcycle CH 2546.
Based on Police reports, the accident occurred at about 23:50h. The motor lorry, GDD 3729, was owned and driven by a 52-year-old of Airy Hall Public Road, Essequibo Coast, Region Two (Pomeroon-Supenaam).
The lorry driver told Police that he was proceeding east along Nelson Mandela Avenue on the southern side, and as he approached the traffic light, it was showing green in his direction.

Dead: Lakeram Etwaroo

The light indicating to turn south was red, so he stopped and waited for it to change to green. As he was in the process of making a right turn to head south onto John Fernandes Access Road, the motorcyclist was proceeding west along the centre of the said road at a fast rate of speed.
As a result, Etwaroo collided into the left side rear wheel of the motor lorry, and fell onto the road where he received injuries to his head and about his body.
Emergency Medical Technicians (EMT) were summoned and the motorcyclist was picked up in an unconscious condition and taken to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation, where he was pronounced dead on arrival just minutes before midnight.
A breathalyser test was conducted on the driver of the motor lorry, which found that he had no trace of alcohol in his breath. Both the motor lorry and motorcycle were lodged at the station and the driver is in custody. Further investigations are ongoing. (G12)