Motorcyclist drops bag with Glock-17 after spotting Police

The firearm that was found by police officers

Police acting on a tip-off discovered a Glock-17 firearm at Cross Street near Leopold Street, Georgetown in the wee hours of Friday.
Polcie stated that at around 1:15h on Friday, officers traveling in a Force vehicle were directed to Cross Street near Leopold Street, Georgetown where they observed a suspicious individual dressed in dark clothing and seated on a motorcycle.
As the officers approached, the man disposed of a black strap bag and fled south on his motorcycle. The officers quickly recovered the bag and upon inspection found the Glock-17 9mm pistol and a magazine with two live rounds of matching ammunition.
Despite an extensive search for the suspect, he remains at large. The firearm has been processed for fingerprints and is now lodged at the Alberttown Police Station, pending further analysis by the ballistics section.
The police continue to investigate the incident as they work to locate the suspect.