Motorcyclist injured after colliding with minibus

A motorcyclist was admitted a patient at the New Amsterdam Public Hospital after he reportedly collided with a minibus along the Tempe Public Road West Coast Berbice (WCB) on Sunday. Injured is 21-year-old Osbert Abrams of Lot 645 No 30 Village WCB.
Police stated that on the day in question at about 17:30h, Abrams was driving motorcycle CK 3952 along the said road at a fast rate when he lost control of the bike and collided with the rear of the minibus bearing registration number BZZ 5437 which was parked on the said road.
After the impact, the driver exited the minibus and upon checking, he saw the motorcyclist lying on the road’s surface behind the minibus with injuries about his body and head.
He was picked up in an unconscious condition by public-spirited persons and taken to Fort Wellington Public Hospital, where he was treated and transferred to New Amsterdam Public hospital.
A breathalyser test was conducted on the driver of the minibus but there were no signs of alcohol in his system. Investigations are ongoing.