A 34-year-old labourer of Ebini, Berbice River, was apprehended on Sunday with some 1814 grams (four pounds) of marijuana.
The arrest took place as Police Officers from Division #10 (Upper Demerara-Berbice) were traversing the Berbice River on a pontoon at Tacama Junction around 11:30h.
The ganja that was found in the man’s possession
Police said that they observed a motorcyclist approaching the pontoon and upon noticing the Police, the individual attempted to evade them by turning his motorcycle around and speeding away. The officers promptly pursued and apprehended the suspect.
The man was at the time riding a black and white XR motorcycle, with registration number CH 8990, and was carrying a multi-coloured haversack on his back. Upon searching him and the haversack, the Police discovered a large parcel wrapped in transparent plastic, which contained leaves, seeds, and stems suspected to be cannabis.
He was arrested, and taken into Police custody, along with the motorcycle, which was later taken to Mackenzie Police Station.
At the station, the cannabis was weighed, totalling 1814.37 grams (1.814kg).
The man allegedly claimed that he acquired the motorcycle in December 2023 from an individual in Georgetown in exchange for 12lbs of marijuana. He remains in police custody awaiting charges. (G9)