Motorcyclists injured in Norton St smash-up

Scenes of the accident that occurred on Norton Street, Georgetown

Two motorcyclists are now nursing injuries at the Georgetown Public Hospital following a high-speed collision with a motorcar on Norton Street, Georgetown at about 13:45h on Friday.
According to eyewitness accounts, the motorcyclists were travelling in an easterly direction on Norton Street when motorcar PAC 6269 approached from the south at an alarming rate of speed. It slammed into the motorcyclists, and they sustained severe injuries as they were knocked off their bikes and thrown into the air before falling some 20 feet from the point of impact.
Passersby rushed to their aid and immediately contacted the Police and emergency medical technicians (EMT) for assistance. The EMT team arrived and transported the duo to the Georgetown Public Hospital for medical attention.
The extent of their injuries has been described as severe. Police have since launched an investigation. (G9)