MP Natasha Singh Lewis is not the Muslim representative in Parliament

Dear Editor,
I wish to bring to the attention of the Guyanese public and the Speaker of the National Assembly recent pronouncements made by MP Natasha Lewis where once again she purported to speak on behalf of the Muslim community of Guyana.
During her presentation she said “most of the Muslims in this country voted for a Muslim President because they feel he will make a change but they have failed”.
MP Lewis is not a Representative of the Muslims of this country in Parliament. From my observation and interactions with both the Muslim and non-Muslim communities, including the leading Muslim organizations in Guyana, this false statement is far from the truth. President Irfaan Ali has been all inclusive in his governance of Guyana and he has brought unimaginable changes benefiting all Guyanese regardless of religion or race.

Kind Regards
W Bacchus
Toronto, Ontario