Home Letters Mr Moses Nagamootoo’s continued defiance of the truth
Dear Editor,
It is now more than four months after the March 2 elections in Guyana and we are yet to have the correct declaration. Amidst all of the contentions and controversies, many persons are pushing the narrative that the coalition won the elections.
One such person, the de facto Prime Minister, Moses Nagamootoo, is consistent in his belief that the PPP committed massive fraud at these elections. It is interesting to note that there has been no evidence to support the accusations of Nagamootoo.
However, Nagamootoo keeps peddling these untruths in the hope that the more he tells a lie, it will be believable. I want to remind Nagamootoo of the words of the Danish philosopher, Soren Kierkegaard:
“There are two ways to be fooled. One way is to believe what isn’t true; The other is to refuse to believe what is true.”
Mr Nagamootoo is guilty of the above. He conveniently ignores the Caricom-supervised recount results which show that the coalition lost the elections by more than 15,000 votes. In his column, “My Turn, Bungled Ballot Boxes,” Guyana Chronicle (2020-06-07), Mr Nagamootoo wrote, “ As I see it, the Election Commission has the results of the ten electoral districts which show the APNU/AFC coalition has won by a narrow margin.”
Seriously, Mr Nagamootoo? You and your coalition members have refused to present your SoPs for verification by the GECOM and the other contesting parties. You are also willing to tow the coalition line and accept the fraudulent declarations by Mr Mingo and Mr Llowenfield.
With respect to Mr Mingo’s declarations, the former Jamaican Prime Minister, Mr Bruce Golding, had this to say at an OAS conference:
“And permit me here to pause to make a comment. I have never seen a more transparent effort to steal the results of an election…You know it takes an extraordinary and courageous mind to present such fictitious numbers when such a sturdy paper trail exists.”
Mr Nagamootoo, Mingo’s horrendous act of trying to falsify the Region Four numbers in order to steal the elections for the coalition is the singularly most conspicuous act of fraud in the 2020 Guyana elections. Mr Nagamootoo, you also have an extraordinary and courageous mind to, as Kierkegaard said, “believe what is untrue.”
You concluded the above column being referred to with the words, “We can revisit our mistakes and we can correct them before they create schisms that we should be unable to heal, now or in the near future.”
Yes, Mr Nagamootoo, you can salvage some dignity by telling your coalition that they have lost elections or you can continue to peddle your untruths with which you will be consigned to the dustbins of Guyanese political history with reference to you being a maybe, a mere footnote. The choice is yours.
Mahindra Persaud
Nassau, Bahamas