As the trial of a Plantain Walk, West Bank Demerara, mother accused of fatally stabbing her common-law
Curtis McKinnon
husband, Curtis McKinnon, 38, two years ago continues, the murder weapon was tendered in evidence at the High Court.
Nicola Joseph is on trial for allegedly killing her husband on July 21, 2014 at their home during an altercation.
In the case being heard before Justice Jo-Ann Barlow and a jury of seven men and five women, Police Constable Alex Solomon took to the witness box on Monday where he explained that he was the first Police rank to arrive in the bedroom of the Lot 12 Plantain Walk home where the stabbing occurred.
The courtroom was shown a brown-handled stainless steel knife that was tendered as the murder weapon. Additionally, a blood-stained mint green mosquito net was also tendered as evidence.
Under cross-examination by Defence Counsel Sonia Parag, the witness was grilled as to why the murder weapon was not photographed as with other pieces of evidence at the murder scene. Constable Solomon explained that as he was first to arrive, he wanted to secure the murder weapon, noting that it bore drops of blood stains. Solomon however admitted that he was unaware whether or not the knife was dusted for finger prints. He further noted that the knife was not shown to the two other Policemen – Sergeant Dyal and Sergeant Singh – both of whom arrived on site sometime later.
The two children of the murder-accused also took the stand to give evidence. At this point Joseph faced her head down for much of the two testimonies.
First up was 19-year-old Joshua Perou who explained that his stepfather shared a bedroom with his mother, and the four siblings, including himself shared the other bedroom.
He stated that on the day in questioned, “Uncle Curtis” went into the bedroom along with his two young sisters, who were also the children of the deceased man. The jurors were told that his mother, Joseph, arrived home some 30 minutes after and an argument ensued. However, he told the court that he could not make out what was being stated.
He explained that he pulled the curtain to see what was occurring but was told by his mother to leave the room.
While the young man stressed that he could not recall if his mother had anything in her hand, he noted that she went into the kitchen after which she returned to the bedroom.
Minutes after, he heard a “chocking sound” and pulled the curtain and saw his step-father bleeding from the chest area. All the while, the witness claimed that his mother was standing at the couple’s bedside.
Perou added that he panicked, then ran to get neighbours, assistance, who assisted in transporting his stepfather to the hospital via taxi. When questioned by Prosecutor Siand Dhurjon, the witness told the court that he never saw injuries on his mother that night. When further questioned, he said that the couple shared a loving relationship and that the July 2014 incident was the first time such violence occurred.
The defence however sought to establish that his mother was being beaten at the time of the altercation.
Meanwhile, the 17-year-old’s sister confirmed most of what her brother told court about the argument. However, she explained that she did hear her mother complain of being beaten and added that when her brother went into the room, he shouted: “Uncle Curt and mommy, ya’ll stop!” The matter will continue at the High Court this morning.