N/A duo busted with ganja, illegal firearm

Arrested: Tiequan Hartman

Two male residents of New Amsterdam, Berbice have been taken into custody following the discovery of an illegal firearm and a quantity of ganja.
The police have said that, acting on information received, ranks went to Savannah Park in New Amsterdam on Friday and searched the home of 20-year-old Tiequan Hartman, also called ‘Tooke’, for stolen articles.

Arrested: Akeem Bovell

During that operation, a transparent plastic bag containing a quantity of cannabis was unearthed, and Hartman related that it belonged to his father. Further search led to the discovery of seven transparent Ziplock bags with ganja.

The gun that was found on the two men

The police also searched the home of Hartman’s neighbour, Akeem Bovell, 24, during which a rope tied to a zinc fence in the backyard led to the discovery of a multicoloured handbag containing cannabis and a .22 pistol.
These two men have been arrested pending charges.

The ganja