Home News N/A Town Council proposes $176M budget
The New Amsterdam Municipality has presented a proposed 6 million budget for 2018, making it the largest budget of the Council. The budget is million more than the 2017 municipal budget. The additional funds are proposed to come from subvention, which will move from million in 2017 to million next year, and market revenue, which will move from million to million. Municipal Treasurer Kerryann Edwards, who presented the budget proposal on Friday in the Town Hall, explained that the Council anticipates receiving million in property taxes in 2018, as against million which had been anticipated in 2017. The Parks and Playfield Committee is expected to net 0,000.
Next year it is budgeted that the Council will receive 7,000 from investments, whereas the projection for 2017 was 0,000.
Despite the 2018 budget being .5 million more than what obtained in 2017, there is no proposal to increase the revenue the Town Council receives in property tax.